

Since the earliest days of computers, dumb computers called terminals would be used to send commands to supercomputers. Today, we use terminal emulators to provide us with direct, low-level access to our computers. Because of the many tools which use command-line interfaces, being proficient at using terminals and command-line environments is an important skill for web developers.

Becoming proficient in the terminal has more to do with practice than book learning. The more comfortable you are with the terminal, the more sucessful you will be as a webdev.

This tutorial will focus on Bash, a common terminal shell emulator. Windows users will use Powershell, a Windows alternative.

Please be careful with the terminal. There is no undo, so you can irreversibly damage your computer. Double check your commands before you run them. 💣NEVER run sudo rm -rf /. It will delete all of your files immediately!💣

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