HTML Markup


Two attributes in HTML can be used to reference elements: id and class. There are some semantics for how those are used.

ids should only be used on the page once. For example, you cannot have <div id="myDiv"></div><div id="myDiv"></div>, since those are two references to the same ID. IDs are referenced by hashes (eg #myDiv). ID names must also be a string without whitespace or special characters other than - and _.

ids do have an extra feature. You can immediately jump to an id element on a page by putting the reference to the id in the page’s URL. So, you could navigate to and it would take you right to the assignment tag. You can also do this from <a> elements, like so: <a href="#assignment">Go To Assignment</a>

classes, on the other hand, can be used repeatedly on the page. Classes are referenced by periods (eg. .myClass). You can reference multiple classes on a single HTML element with whitespace (eg. <div class="awesomeClass anotherClass"></div>) and on multiple elements.

We’ll discuss how you can easily reference IDs and Classes from CSS in the CSS Selectors requirement.

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